Not receiving enough tenders or relying on word-of-mouth? You are not alone!
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Many companies face this problem, but we can help you out. We know how to search for tenders. Just tell us your preferred area and the scope of work you can accomplish in a construction project (if you are a subcontractor). And that’s it!

We know how to search for relevant tenders in your area.

Constructerupt provides the following services to construction-related businesses:


Tender Search via websites: Constructerupt team searches for various websites including government and local websites 1 to search for relevant tenders. We use search techniques that have been developed over the years to search for tenders in your specified area.


Tender Search via Emails : This service is provided to subcontractors only. Through this service, we will email general contractors in your area asking them to email us tenders invite relevant to our scope of work. This service provided by Constructerupt is getting increasingly popular these days as most of our subcontractor clients start receiving tender invites within a week of emails being sent. We have access to direct contacts and emails are mostly sent directly to decision-makers in a relevant company which increases the chances of getting a response.

Download our Tenders Search brochure.


Here are some most popular queries

1. What is Constructerupt?

At Constructerupt, we provide various (one-of-a-kind) services to construction companies and subcontractors that serve the construction industry. Some of our popular services include business strategy creation & implementation, website design, web development, digital marketing, Tender Management, Quantity Takeoff, Estimation, Project Scheduling, Drafting, and Project Management services. Constructerupt is a platform that connects small-to-medium-sized business owners with services that construction-related businesses require on daily basis to be successful.

2. I have started a new business that is related to the construction industry. Can Constructerupt help me?

Yes, we can, and we would love to. We work with newly started companies in building their strong foundation. There are numerous services that we provide from website development to digital marketing to tenders’ search to cost estimation and much more. All these services are designed to help companies reach out to potential clients and then further help them to retain those clients.

3. I own an existing business related to construction that has not been growing/expanding as we expected it to. Can you help?

Of course, we can help you in finding the solution to this problem. Contact or email us with your present scenario in detail and what you had expected out of the business. Also, mention things that have been acting as a barrier to your business expansion. In many cases, the major reason for this is non-profitability. And one of the solutions that can help you in making the company profitable is by outsourcing some of the tasks.

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Reasons Why Construction-related Businesses Should Bid on Tenders

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Increase revenue

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Gain Experience

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Government wants more competition (better price) on public tenders

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Don’t rely on just word-of-mouth and selective clients!


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